Wednesday, March 4, 2009

We're making the Dr. rich!!!

Still sick

Still sick

Newly sick

Newly sick
We are doing our best to stimulate the economy by giving the doctor all of our money.


Kim H. said...

That pic of your son is so cute, sorry you are all sick, hope is leaves quickly!

heidijogoody said...

You poor girl! I hope you all get better soon!

Alicia said...

That is no fun. I went to see the pediatrition for Tyler's nine month check up. He was surprised that I wasn't there for another sick visit. He made the comment that I was just trying to help boost IHC in this economic hardship. Glad I'm not the only one.

the crew said...

I love the picture of you! Sorry to hear you're all sick!

Jasmine said...

Hope your cute family gets better soon. Oh, and...your gorgeous (love the pic)!


I hate when everyone gets sick!!!!Hope you are feeling better soon!

Michelle said...

That's so nice of you to make sure the doctor doesn't join the ranks of the unemployed. ;) I hope you all start feeling better very soon! I miss you!

Sblogger said...

How nice of you to stimulate the economy like that. :) Hope you all feel better very soon!