Thursday, July 1, 2010

Taking in the scenery

Folding laundry is not my favorite thing to do.
While engaging in this tedious chore,
I had the strange feeling I was being watched.
I looked up from the table I was working at to see this little guy...
just hanging out.

It's these little surprises that make me love my kids even more,
and make my chores a little more interesting.
I wonder which little mischievous boy placed him there to draw a smile across my face so late at night.


Ali said...

Oh my goodness, I love it! This is why I love blogging. That memory will make you smile forever.

Kristin said...

That is the cutest thing ever!! I loved that you shared this! Kids are the best!

Frank said...

That is absolutely adorable and I thank you very much for sharing this. :)

The Atkinson Asylum said...

I LOVE IT! Gotta love little boys!

Rebecca said...

So so cute.