Monday, August 17, 2009

Confessions of a different kind

Jackson walked into the room. He has been dressing himself for about 6 months now, and I'm curious every day to see how he will present himself to the world. So here he stands before me in a blue shirt and khaki shorts, looking very handsome.

"Jack, you look handsome in your clothes."
His reply was a bit strange...
"I do have underwear," he insists.
What a weird way to respond to a compliment. I was looking for something along the lines of "thank you", or "you look beautiful too, Mom."

Lets try that again.
"Jack, you look handsome today."
Again he states "I do have underwear, Mom."
Intrigued, I push on.
"Jack, let me see your underwear."

Giggles sneak from his lips.

..."Jack, show me what underwear you are wearing."

I should know when to just let things go. Another giggle erupts from his mouth as he turns his back to me. Down come the pants. Two white buns. And no underwear in sight.


aniC said...

ohmygosh. i love jackson. i knew what was going on from his first response (c: silly boy!

Harmony said...

That is funny! When my little guy was 4ish he came out of his room with a pair of shorts, held them up to me and said, "Mom, should I wear underwear with these?"

Kristin said...

That is an adorable story!! I love the stories you share!

Alicia said...

That's so funny!! What a character.

Cyndi and Logan said...

What is it with boys and underwear?? I love it!! It is always a wonder whether or not McCray decided to wear some, what fun!!

the crew said...

I read your story a few days ago and thought it funny, but hadn't had that experience with Eman until tonight! He kind of said to himself that he wasn't wearing any underwear, and when I asked if he was wearing underwear he replied that he wasn't. And then, when I told him he needed to put some on he said, "but why mom, it feels good this way!"