I noticed her talking to my baby as I walked back to my cart. She was short, wore a head of white hair, and her face wrinkled as she smiled at me.
As we began talking her husband appeared. We got on the subject of Grandmas.
Oh how I miss mine.
I told them that our grandparents were in Utah.
They asked me if I was Mormon.
"Yes I am."
We visited a little more about the beautiful music of the Tabernacle Choir, missionaries, and their good friends who were also LDS.
My kids were tired and I needed to go.
While parting ways, they told me they could be our grandparents while we were so far from home.
It used to be so easy to share the gospel. I used to be so brave. Over the past few months I have wondered where that bravery has gone.
This is something I think about a lot.
Where did it go? When did I become shy and reserved about who I am?
I have this thought that wiggles into my mind often...
"be more brave."
I have a friend who I love to the very bottom of my soul. She is amazing and is one of the greatest examples of Christlike behavior.
I left Utah wondering why I didn't share the gospel with her more.
Left with regret.
Why didn't I share one of my most valuable possessions with her?
I imagine her asking me in the after life why I didn't.
Hopefully she won't be mad at me for long.
With that in mind I promised I would try harder to be a missionary.
After leaving the store, I couldn't pull my mind away from that sweet older couple. Every time I closed my eyes I could see their wrinkled smiles.
I kept feeling like I should have done more.
Should have said more.
That night I knelt down to pray.
I asked Heavenly Father if he could help me. I would put a Book of Mormon in my purse the next time I went to the store if He would have them be there.
Now when I closed my prayer, I wasn't really sure if this prayer would be answered the way I asked.
I really didn't expect it to. It is a big world out there. But I did feel that He wants us to share, and I had faith that he would help me do that.
Two days later, on Saturday, we headed back to the store.
Book of Mormon in my purse.
Prayer in my heart.
Wrinkled smiles on my mind.
As we pulled into the parking lot I saw a couple with their hood up on their car.
"Chad, pull over there. I think they need help."
We parked next to the car.
I rolled down my window.
It was them.
They were there.
So was my bravery.
Those smiles again.
We talked for a little while. I was happy to introduce them to Chad. They told me that they already had a Book of Mormon. We said goodbye and they said they would meet us there again.
In the end, I still have my Book of Mormon, but I also gained a few things I wasn't expecting...
A little more bravery and faith.
Love for complete strangers.
A testimony that our prayers are answered...one way or another.